

What Is Invisalign

Invisalign is a discrete way to straighten crooked teeth, without braces, by using removable teeth aligners.

The aligners are nearly invisible, and are fabricated to match the shape of your jaw and mouth.


More About Invisalign

Invisalign works in a similar fashion to braces or other orthodontic interventions.

First, the orthodontist or prosthodontist will take a digital scan or physical mold of your teeth.

Then, they will use computer software to make slight adjustments to the positioning of each tooth, generating models for a series of aligners.

Those models will be sent to a specialized facility, which will fabricate a series of nearly-invisible mouth pieces for the patient to wear throughout their day-to-day life.

As the patient’s teeth straighten, the orthodontist will swap out the aligner for the next one in the series until they’re perfectly aligned.

The duration can vary anywhere from 6 months to 2 or more years. It depends largely on the severity of the orthodontic issues that the patient is addressing, and how closely the patient follows the provided schedule.

The long-term effectiveness of Invisalign depends on each patient, but can generally be enhanced by wearing retainers as prescribed by the orthodontist or prosthodontist.

Am I a Candidate for Invisalign?

Your prosthodontist may prescribe invisalgin to you if you:
