What is a
Fixed Bridge
A fixed bridge replaces a tooth or teeth where one or more teeth have been lost. When permanently placed, a fixed bridge will match the appearance and feel of the missing teeth.
More About Bridges
For one or more missing teeth, a fixed bridge may be the best choice. It can look, feel, and function just like the teeth being replaced.
If you’re missing one or more teeth, a fixed bridge can be one of the best ways to replace those teeth. Because it’s permanent, it looks and functions like normal teeth, and fixed bridges have an excellent long-term prognosis. Plus, a fixed bridge will help maintain the natural shape of your face, supporting your lips and cheeks.
You’ll have the teeth next to the space prepared for a crown. Then an impression of your teeth will be made for our laboratory to use in creating the prosthesis (bridge). At a second appointment, the final bridge will be permanently cemented into position. Between the two appointments, you’ll have a temporary bridge in place that will look and feel very similar to the final teeth.
Most bridges in our office are made of pure ceramic materials to avoid the use of metals. This avoids the unsightly dark lines at the gum level and creates a restoration that is more biocompatible.
Bridges have been successfully used for decades. In their current form, they continue to be state-of-the-art dental technology. Though implants can be an alternative, a fixed bridge can often be much less complicated, less expensive, and more esthetically pleasing than implants. We’ll advise you on which solution is best for you.
Am I a Candidate for a Fixed Bridge?
You are a candidate if you have healthy teeth on either side of the space created by the missing teeth. However, if that area is too large, or the adjacent teeth are weak, implants may be an alternative option.