Tooth Shaping


What Is Conservative Tooth Shaping

Using fine diamond instruments and polishing wheels, small chips and worn areas are shaped to restore the tooth to its earlier form, creating a more pleasing appearance.

tooth shaping
Tooth shaping

More About Tooth Shaping

If over time, your teeth have become flattened and chipped, creating an aged appearance, conservative reshaping can create a much more natural, youthful appearance.

If your teeth are reshaped using these techniques, we can create a more youthful appearance without the use of restorative materials. These procedures don’t take long and are so conservative that local anesthetic is not required.

Am I a Candidate for Tooth Shaping?

If your teeth are the proper length and simply flattened, leaving a tooth with sharp corners, tooth reshaping is commonly the treatment of choice. If slightly larger defects are present, reshaping may often be combined with Cosmetic Bonding Procedures.

Smiling woman mouth with great teeth. Over white background